Feb 10, 2012
This band has kind of risen to a little bit of an acclaim of late. Disengage are a youth crew revival sounding band out of Wilkes-Barre, PA. which is a host to quite a few similar bands, like United Youth and Stick Together. I think the reason (unfortunately) that this band has stood out above the others mentioned, at least with a wider audience, is due to the fact that they're "that hardcore band the dude from Title Fight is in". Ned from Title Fight does sing in this band, I think there are members from a few other WBHC bands (Cold World / Stick Together... and I think someone from Tigers Jaw might even be in the band) but that is not the sole reason you should check them out. They have released a demo and an EP called 'Look Back' which I quite like, but this is a step forward for the band. Song writing is stronger, everything sounds tighter. The artwork is also really cool on this, the cover is a painting of a hardcore show which is done really well. Check this out, but not because the dude from Title Fight is in it...
