I'm sure you have guessed by now that I am kind of into Tigers Jaw, right? Well, I got an email from a friend of mine about this tape that was coming out by a little side project featuring members of TJ and some other similar bands and I jumped on it. This has been sitting on my desk in my "to blog" pile for too long, so I'm finally dedicating some time to clearing that pile.
I'd like to introduce you to Three Man Cannon, and their release 'Nelson'. If you're into Tigers Jaw et al, you will probably like this. It's kind of the same vibe, maybe with a bit of an older, or more vintage, or whatever the cool word would be, kind of feeling/sound... Anyway, check out the songs.
This tape came out via Derek at Working Man Records. There are 100 tapes in total, and three variations, there is the red tape which I have (limited to 50) and a solid white on white tape (limited to 20) available through the label. The band had clear tapes (limited to 30).
I was lucky enough to be offered the test/master cassette tape. It's a one of a kind, and it's a cool little thing to have. Anyway, if you're interested you can give the guys a couple of bucks (or take it for free) from BandCamp, or you can grab one of the remaining tapes from Working Man Records.