Apr 24, 2013

Milton Glaser Project

For a part of my current  course at RMIT I had an assignment to make a booklet about a "Design Giant". I chose Milton Glaser who has been a significant inspiration to me and was one of the first major designers who I discovered in High School. The following contains progress photos, notes and references which had to be "blogged" as a part of my assessment.

A basic mock up/layout for my booklet and some notes/ideas.

These photos show my attempt at making the booklet into a physical object, I didn't do an amazing job; but I tried. I guess that's why there are printing and production professionals.

Most of the reference used was video/film, including his own documentary and his parts in the BigThink and TED series.

 - Milton Glaser: To Inform & Delight (2008/9)
 - Milton Glaser: BigThink Interview
 - From the TED Archives: Milton Glaser

 - Milton Glaser: www.miltonglaser.com/
 - Pushpin Studios: www.pushpininc.com/
 - Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton_Glaser
 - MoMA: www.moma.org/collection/artist.php?artist_id=2188